Tuesday, April 20, 2010
19 Week Ultrasound!
Okay here he is! We decided to go to a place in town that records the whole thing to DVD... I remember Krystal's ultrasound for Noah, she had this amazing profile shot of him, moving and kicking- completely took my breath away. Alas, not so much. We have a DVD of the doctor clicking around and taking measurements. Yay. Oh well, at least we have that. So we met my sister at this place, and sat out on the curb waiting for them to come back from lunch. Auntie loaned me some sips of coffee to give Ben a little energy. He was sucking his thumb pretty much the whole time (its a developmental milestone, actually, he is practicing the skills he will need to eat when he arrives). But Steph teased Scott that he would need to start saving up for braces if Ben was going to be a thumb sucker. You can see him here with his little thumb just popped out and on standby in case he wants it again.
Beautiful San Diego
We loooove San Diego and we looooove the Schmalbachs!
We drove in Thursday night and just crashed (we pregnant ladies get tired early). Then in the morning we all got up with Smalls, who had to go to work, and Heather and I got ready to go to Sea World with Sydney's baby sign class (so cute). Well we ended up waiting... standing.. in the parking lot... for over an hour before they could check us in. In a sea of strollers and crying toddlers. The other parents were really sweet, and Syd was so patient I couldn't believe it! She was fine for the most part, just wanted to be allowed to sit on the ground, eat her snacks and people watch. The only time she was not a happy camper was when Mom insisted on sunscreen. Then the gloves came off. We had a great time, it was good to get walking around like that, I haven't been walking as much as I should be. I kinda got out of the exercise groove during that heinous first trimester. Yesterday I went on a nice brisk walk with my friend Amber, so I am trying to get back in the swing of things. We saw penguins and sea lions and otters and my favorite (although I hadn't known this before...) orcha whales!!!! Wow!! Two of them jumping in this small but reeeeaaally deep training pool. I just couldn't believe how larger than life they were! I think Syd was looking at me more than the whales because I kept gasping and saying "Oh my gosh they are sooo big!" Huge fun. But we tuckered out after a couple of hours.

The Smalls' took us to Coronado, where we walked to lunch and played in "the jungle" (a little planted area with some bushes and palm trees). Didn't quite make it to the park, but Syd seemed very entertained.
Lunch was fun, I got Syd to sing some songs on video and she played with her straw and napkin... we don't care where we are, we are entertained doing nothing, if we are with these guys. Syd seems to feel the same, which is phenomenal considering she is two. She just goes with the flow.

We had some great meals, Heather and I compared bumps and caught up on our lives and recent events, watched some Bones on TV. The boys went to a brewery and generally palled around together. We played with bubbles outside while barbequing a delicious dinner. We watched two of Syd's favorite movies: "Cars" and "Ice Age". I recommended Madagascar one and two (shout out to Kris, who's son is completely obsessed) and we also saw some "Sesame Street Racecars" which featured Slimey, Oscar the Grouch's pet worm, in the "Wormadega". Syd can count to thirteen (and then she repeats thirteen about 5 times or so) and she can sing her ABC's quite clearly. She keeps up great conversation, is really good with her manners, and generally a nice person to hang out with. She opens and closes her fists at light speed when shes excited about something, so I copied her when we were about to do something fun and she would laugh and say, "May-we ess-ited!"
Another wonderful weekend. Enjoy the rest of the pics:
Thursday, April 15, 2010
19 Weeks... I felt him kick today!!
Unbelievable! At first it felt like he was squirming around. I was chatting with Mimi online and I stopped and tried not to breathe. It was exactly what I expected to feel, but at the same time I've never felt anything like it. When it stopped I started to think I had gone crazy. Then a little later there was a volley of bumps- like kicks. I was amazed, thrilled, panicked, everything. But I knew what I was feeling. So incredible. I calmed down when it stopped but now I wish it would start again!
Eating: I think its getting better. I have been eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and getting a little better about evening out my diet as of the last couple days. Although I reeeeaaaallly love waffles.
Morning Sickness: Yesterday I was unusually ill, but typically I am great!
Energy: Getting better. I still take 2-3 hr naps about twice a week but I think its because my old go-to sources of protein are not appealing to me right now- like eggs and meat. To get protein I generally turn to beans and cheese, and that usually brings on too much carbs and sugar. Today I had some meat and rice and I already feel a pick up in energy.
Weight: 133
Belly: Round. Still gets bigger at night but its not that small in the morning...
Things I Did: Emily was in town last weekend! We had a great time. I was able to spend a lot of time with the girls and it was fabulous. Tonight we are headed down to San Diego to spend the weekend with the Schmalbachs. We are really excited about that, I will try to get some belly pics with Heather (we are due one week apart).
We got a brand new bed- a huge cherry wood California king. I was reluctant to give up my beautiful black queen bed, but this one is gorgeous and was free! (Our Lockheed friends Wayne and Lisa are moving some things around and needed to unload it fast). We moved our black one into the soon-to-be nursery. We called Lisa to ask if she had needed specifically labeled bedding for the California king, or if just regular king sheets were supposed to fit. She teasingly told Scott that they needed to be special sheets, but that we may be having trouble because sometimes they were only labeled "Cal. King" . We had a good laugh when he responded with, thank you, but he was very familiar with commonly used abbreviations for "California".
I really, really love the bed. We do have a lot more room, which was just on time- I started sleeping with Scott's body pillow that he had bought back in college, and good-bye back aches!!
Eating: I think its getting better. I have been eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and getting a little better about evening out my diet as of the last couple days. Although I reeeeaaaallly love waffles.
Morning Sickness: Yesterday I was unusually ill, but typically I am great!
Energy: Getting better. I still take 2-3 hr naps about twice a week but I think its because my old go-to sources of protein are not appealing to me right now- like eggs and meat. To get protein I generally turn to beans and cheese, and that usually brings on too much carbs and sugar. Today I had some meat and rice and I already feel a pick up in energy.
Weight: 133
Belly: Round. Still gets bigger at night but its not that small in the morning...
Things I Did: Emily was in town last weekend! We had a great time. I was able to spend a lot of time with the girls and it was fabulous. Tonight we are headed down to San Diego to spend the weekend with the Schmalbachs. We are really excited about that, I will try to get some belly pics with Heather (we are due one week apart).
We got a brand new bed- a huge cherry wood California king. I was reluctant to give up my beautiful black queen bed, but this one is gorgeous and was free! (Our Lockheed friends Wayne and Lisa are moving some things around and needed to unload it fast). We moved our black one into the soon-to-be nursery. We called Lisa to ask if she had needed specifically labeled bedding for the California king, or if just regular king sheets were supposed to fit. She teasingly told Scott that they needed to be special sheets, but that we may be having trouble because sometimes they were only labeled "Cal. King" . We had a good laugh when he responded with, thank you, but he was very familiar with commonly used abbreviations for "California".
I really, really love the bed. We do have a lot more room, which was just on time- I started sleeping with Scott's body pillow that he had bought back in college, and good-bye back aches!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
18 Weeks!
I'm starting to fall behind! The weeks are definitely passing faster and faster (which is excellent!!)
Eating: I still don't get very excited about what to eat. I just keep trying to do it. However, I am currently craving fries and love each kind equally. YUM.
Morning Sickness: Pretty much gone. Scott, the sweetheart that he is, still brings me breakfast in the morning, and I try to get up slowly, but that usually does the trick and I'm set! If I try to do too much during the day I get that all-over yucky feeling like I'm getting the flu.
Energy: Much better. I am still not where I would like to be (I want about two weeks of cleaning-the-floor type days!) but I can stay awake and go out and do things without crashing. Right now we are moving the house around and poor Scott has had to do 99% of the work. I would love to just be able to move things with my mind... right now that would be my super power of choice...
Weight: 132
Belly: In the morning smaller, in the evening big and round prego belly.
Things I Did: Went down to LA with Steph and visited with my Nana and my aunt Linda. That was a blast! Got a pedicure with my friend Stephanie (I think that was last week). I got together with Amber and got to see her husband and daughter Charlotte (she is pregnant with baby #2!) The weather was great and I got to enjoy some sun. And enjoy being pregnant and showing it off! Ooo I also bought brand new maternity jeans and they are incredible!
Eating: I still don't get very excited about what to eat. I just keep trying to do it. However, I am currently craving fries and love each kind equally. YUM.
Morning Sickness: Pretty much gone. Scott, the sweetheart that he is, still brings me breakfast in the morning, and I try to get up slowly, but that usually does the trick and I'm set! If I try to do too much during the day I get that all-over yucky feeling like I'm getting the flu.
Energy: Much better. I am still not where I would like to be (I want about two weeks of cleaning-the-floor type days!) but I can stay awake and go out and do things without crashing. Right now we are moving the house around and poor Scott has had to do 99% of the work. I would love to just be able to move things with my mind... right now that would be my super power of choice...
Weight: 132
Belly: In the morning smaller, in the evening big and round prego belly.
Things I Did: Went down to LA with Steph and visited with my Nana and my aunt Linda. That was a blast! Got a pedicure with my friend Stephanie (I think that was last week). I got together with Amber and got to see her husband and daughter Charlotte (she is pregnant with baby #2!) The weather was great and I got to enjoy some sun. And enjoy being pregnant and showing it off! Ooo I also bought brand new maternity jeans and they are incredible!
Monday, April 5, 2010
17 Weeks
Eating:Well, I still have a bad relationship with food. I'm just not that excited about anything. I eat because I have to, and I eat a lot of fruit. I'm trying to get back into cooking, but the thought of it just makes me want to climb into bed most days!
Morning Sickness: Much better. I have color back in my face, and usually I can count on the plans I have made for the day, which has been a real change.
Energy: Up and down. One day I did the shopping, ran errands, and vacuumed the whole downstairs. Then I proceeded to get down on my hands and knees and wash the floors with a brush. It took me like two hours. I felt great! Then the other half of the week I was taking two hour naps and dreading even climbing into the shower. So, I'm getting there but its full of stops and starts.
Weight: 133! I am definitely starting the gaining process, which is good.
Belly: This weekend I felt huge! Lots of little pains from ligaments stretching. Sometimes I feel like a pulled a groin muscle. Especially in the middle of the night when I roll out of bed to visit the bathroom. My belly is starting to protrude at a right angle straight from my pelvis. Wearing pants is extremely inconvenient. They fall off or feel like they are cutting me in half.
Things I Did: I got together with a lot of friends this week, which felt great! I got involved with a local mothers networking site, which has been really fun and informative. I am hoping to get out to some South County playgroups before the baby comes to get acquainted with some of the other moms in my area. I registered for the baby 101 classes at French Hospital. I was supposed to have a meeting with the diaper service tomorrow, but we will have to reschedule that, they are trying to squeeze in an interested mommy who is about to deliver. I have been trying to refer to my belly as "Ben" to get my mind a little more adjusted. We have our big official ultrasound in a couple of weeks. We decided to go with a local specialist because they will record the whole thing to a DVD so we can watch it over and over!! Mom and Dad Thomas sent us an adorable card. We picked up the crib today from Sarah and David Gabriel and its in the garage waiting to be sanded and painted. We have been selling a ton of stuff on craigslist trying to clear out the guest room to make way. We are also getting a new Cal King bed from Wayne and Lisa, which was a total surprise! Life is good!
Morning Sickness: Much better. I have color back in my face, and usually I can count on the plans I have made for the day, which has been a real change.
Energy: Up and down. One day I did the shopping, ran errands, and vacuumed the whole downstairs. Then I proceeded to get down on my hands and knees and wash the floors with a brush. It took me like two hours. I felt great! Then the other half of the week I was taking two hour naps and dreading even climbing into the shower. So, I'm getting there but its full of stops and starts.
Weight: 133! I am definitely starting the gaining process, which is good.
Belly: This weekend I felt huge! Lots of little pains from ligaments stretching. Sometimes I feel like a pulled a groin muscle. Especially in the middle of the night when I roll out of bed to visit the bathroom. My belly is starting to protrude at a right angle straight from my pelvis. Wearing pants is extremely inconvenient. They fall off or feel like they are cutting me in half.
Things I Did: I got together with a lot of friends this week, which felt great! I got involved with a local mothers networking site, which has been really fun and informative. I am hoping to get out to some South County playgroups before the baby comes to get acquainted with some of the other moms in my area. I registered for the baby 101 classes at French Hospital. I was supposed to have a meeting with the diaper service tomorrow, but we will have to reschedule that, they are trying to squeeze in an interested mommy who is about to deliver. I have been trying to refer to my belly as "Ben" to get my mind a little more adjusted. We have our big official ultrasound in a couple of weeks. We decided to go with a local specialist because they will record the whole thing to a DVD so we can watch it over and over!! Mom and Dad Thomas sent us an adorable card. We picked up the crib today from Sarah and David Gabriel and its in the garage waiting to be sanded and painted. We have been selling a ton of stuff on craigslist trying to clear out the guest room to make way. We are also getting a new Cal King bed from Wayne and Lisa, which was a total surprise! Life is good!
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