Eating: The same. I eat like I normally eat, but either a little more often or a little bit bigger meal, depending on what my day is like. My cravings are still the same. I went out with Juliette this week and we almost went to Olive Garden, which has been a huge thing on my food to-do list. It was so crowded there wasn't even anywhere to park. So sad.
Energy: Great! In fact, my body wants to slow down way before I do. I will start feeling some pressure and swelling, or I will get sharp cramping pains in my belly and have to sit, but there is so much I want to do! So its hard to rest when I have to, but I do it.
Weight: 141!! I gained 4 lbs this week. Yikes.
Belly: I measured it! Its big and round! Suffice it to say its the roundest I have been, but not by much.
Sleep: I'm not sleeping well, and I have to pee constantly now, all night long. My innner temperature gauge is broken. I'm hot, then I'm cold, then I'm hot... Scott's snoring is suddenly more of an issue than its ever been. Poor guy must feel so nitpicked. I have to wake him up and tell him to turn over. I don't hear it most of the time, but when I'm trying to fall asleep, forget it.
Things I Did: This week was pretty average, nothing much exciting happened. I went to a Mommy Group Meet and Greet for South County Moms. It was fun to meet some nice people who live close, and the ladies from my book club (which I love) were there, too... but they are all older than me, with older kids, thats kind of a bummer. But I have a lot of girlfriends in the area that are pregnant, some with their first, some with their second, and they are all my age. So there will be a balance. Once all the babies are born there will be plenty of opportunities for stroller bonding.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
24 Weeks
These are some early presents for Ben. This weekend Mom and Dad Thomas are coming to visit, we are super excited, and then next weekend we get some down time. After that, each weekend is as follows: Graduation, Baby Shower, Baby Shower, Baby Shower, Baby Shower, Wedding, Baby Shower, Wedding. That brings us to the weekend of August 7th. So, even though I have the weekdays to recover, I am really trying to finish up projects here and there to get ready. Plus, if you didn't notice, that is 8 weekends in a row of dressing up! Ack! What am I gonna put over my watermelon?
Eating: I am eating well! Normal things, and I can put away a good amount if I want to. However, it might take twice the amount of time it used to. My big time cravings: avocados (still), but being passed up by strawberries, and toaster waffles. That is still exactly what Ben wants to eat, and he doesn't care what time of day it is, either.
Energy: Feeling pretty great! Sometimes I get tired early, but nothing too noticeable.
Weight: 137
Belly: Strangers I see throughout the day are becoming more and more confident that I am pregnant. They will congratulate me, or ask me if I'm expecting. They are very lucky I am, but to be honest, I look pregnant. True to my body's tendencies, I am round about the middle, sticks around the outsides. The problem will be when Ben is a year old and I still look like that...
Weight: 137
Belly: Strangers I see throughout the day are becoming more and more confident that I am pregnant. They will congratulate me, or ask me if I'm expecting. They are very lucky I am, but to be honest, I look pregnant. True to my body's tendencies, I am round about the middle, sticks around the outsides. The problem will be when Ben is a year old and I still look like that...
Sleep: Getting profoundly worse. Can't get comfortable, even with my Snoogle and Ben propped up on some blankets. My arm and shoulder fall asleep within minutes, and I HATE turning over!! The worst is that all day I have no problem being my calm, happy self, generally. However, in the dead of the night my thoughts are not as fun. I find myself an hour into picking apart some problem or another that does not have a solution. Then I get even more pissed off that I am awake. This morning I woke up at 5:30am... we will have to see what tomorrow is like.
Things I Did: Mimi came to visit! We had a blast! We talked a lot (of course), I took her to the Cliffs for some lunch, and she taught me to knit! We found the most beautiful little yarn shop with the sweetest owner. There is a little garden in the back where you can sit and ask questions, chat and get help when you make mistakes. She even makes tea! Its... heaven. I've since been back and brought Bond. Today I finished my first project! I also finished reading Jane Eyre for my mommy book club on Wednesday, what a great read, it didn't make it onto my high school reading list. I loved it. Next month we are reading Wide Sargasso Sea, which is the story from the perspective of Mr. Rochester's first wife. I am hoping that will be a good read as well.Thursday, May 13, 2010
23 Weeks
Eating: Even when I don't eat that much I get full really fast. I've been cooking again, I'm sure Scott is super grateful. Its been hard for me to drink enough water. I just hate it suddenly.
Energy: I had a great day on Monday, and even got a lot done Wednesday. Today it was like pulling teeth to make myself do anything, but I was bored out of my mind every time I sat down, so it was lose/lose.
Weight: Still 136.
Belly: Ya.... its gettin big. I'm a little afraid of looking like a torpedo at the end, but thats the least of my worries. The weirdness of pregnancy and the strange things happening to my body keep me pretty distracted. I've been getting clumsy, banging myself against things and such, and I get really annoyed when people don't give me enough room on the sidewalk. I just stop and wait rather than bump them.
Sleep: Sleeping has been pretty good. Very vivid dreams, and I have a regular pee time at 3:30 and sometimes 5. Exhausted in the morning but have trouble falling back to sleep. I miss coffee.
Things I Did: Pretty average week. Spent a lot of time with the sister. I did some more sorting and packing work on the pile of stuff we ousted from the baby room. Went shopping with Bond and bought a pretty new purse! Gazed longingly at beautiful wispy blouses while we were there. Juliette and I had a great dinner tonight in SLO and I stopped by to see the girls on my way home. Scott took apart the washer because it ate one of my shirts. Turned out he didn't have to. Really funny in that almost-could-shoot-yourself kind of way. Life as usual. (After he extracted the shirt, he put it on and asked if I still wanted it- had to take some pictures)
5/15: Steph, Bond and Mary-Lynn all felt him kick today. He was really putting on a show for Steph, and she loved it. It feels very strange, to have someone kick your hand from inside. Like a science fiction movie. I have also been experiencing a lot of funny little episodes. Not enough blood to the brain, I guess. A few days ago I thought I had lost an earring, only to find it on my vanity and realize I had never put it in. I was rockin the pirate look, I guess. Yay. Then, this morning, I got myself right in the eye with a squirt of perfume. I'm a little worried about operating heavy machinery...
Energy: I had a great day on Monday, and even got a lot done Wednesday. Today it was like pulling teeth to make myself do anything, but I was bored out of my mind every time I sat down, so it was lose/lose.
Weight: Still 136.
Belly: Ya.... its gettin big. I'm a little afraid of looking like a torpedo at the end, but thats the least of my worries. The weirdness of pregnancy and the strange things happening to my body keep me pretty distracted. I've been getting clumsy, banging myself against things and such, and I get really annoyed when people don't give me enough room on the sidewalk. I just stop and wait rather than bump them.
Sleep: Sleeping has been pretty good. Very vivid dreams, and I have a regular pee time at 3:30 and sometimes 5. Exhausted in the morning but have trouble falling back to sleep. I miss coffee.

5/15: Steph, Bond and Mary-Lynn all felt him kick today. He was really putting on a show for Steph, and she loved it. It feels very strange, to have someone kick your hand from inside. Like a science fiction movie. I have also been experiencing a lot of funny little episodes. Not enough blood to the brain, I guess. A few days ago I thought I had lost an earring, only to find it on my vanity and realize I had never put it in. I was rockin the pirate look, I guess. Yay. Then, this morning, I got myself right in the eye with a squirt of perfume. I'm a little worried about operating heavy machinery...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
22 Weeks

Morning Sickness: A little queasy in the mornings but nothing to get too worried about.
Energy: Still hills and valleys. I will think I am on fire, about to conquer the whole world- and then I crash for like three days.
Weight: 136. Lost a pound. My ideal weight is about 125 and I was there right at the beginning, just barely. So right now I'm hovering around a ten pound gain so far. I would like to be at 150 toward the end (as if I have control, ha!) but we shall see. I weighed about 140 last September, when I finally put myself on a much needed diet/exercise boost, and lost about 15 over 3 months.
Belly: Large and in charge. See above. I will be huge at 9 months, no doubt. I have to add this- Ben has been kicking straight down a lot, and it feels...reeeeaaaaally weird. When he lets loose with a big one, its like someone dragging their nails down a chalkboard.
Things I Did: Scott took me to Cambria Pines Lodge for the weekend and we met up with friends Jeff and Kristen. Had a great time, with great company and incredible food (hence me eating everything). It was very relaxing.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
21 Weeks
Eating: The same. I am getting a lot more energy from the new sources of protein, that has been a big improvement.
Morning Sickness: Still gone. Energy: Went down a bit this week, but just from depression, I was back up on my feet by the weekend and ready to get more stuff done! I am sleeping with Kelly's Snoogle... snoodle? hehe and that is very helpful.
Weight: 137. Jumped up 3 pounds! Probably from being out of town for two weekends in a row and being able to eat anything at anytime...but its good, I am glad to be putting on some weight, thats normal.
Belly: Same, big and round. I should start measuring it.
Things I Did: I spent a couple of days with my friend Sarah and her precious baby girl Felicia, so that did a lot to lift my spirits. Scott and I did a lot of work on the other dresser and crib for the baby's room, and those are almost done. The dresser is painted and assembled and up there now and the crib is dry and just needs to be put together. I am really impressed, the paint looks great. And yes, we checked to make sure it was safe for baby. We spent Friday night playing games with Steph and Bond and Saturday morning with them, having blueberry pancakes and watching cartoons. And this weekend we went downtown with the girls! Alan and Tessa are in town for Wildflower, and they stayed over last night. Tessa is sleeping in and Alan and Scott are down at the golf course right now.
And I also got a new belly ring for all those interested... even though I NEVER show off my belly normally, so no one really knows I have a piercing there... I have become very attached to it over the last eleven years or whatever it is. And if I am going to have a hole there anyway, I should have my ring in it. So I hadn't given it much thought, but suddenly things seemed rather... stretched down there. So I went online and bought a special thingy that will keep my piercing open. Its a little medical and nothing I would normally show off for cosmetic reasons, but whatever. Its serving its purpose.
20 Weeks
Halfway there! Steph found out she got into San Diego State for her Master's degree in Social Science so we have been celebrating that! Woo hoo!
Eating: I have been able to eat a lot more normal things. Protein, like eggs and meat, have been the biggest improvement. I'm still craving waffles and avocados, and drinking some caffeine (not regularly).
Morning Sickness: Gone. Sometimes when he is squirming or my hormone levels seem to skyrocket I will feel a little queasy.
Energy: Much better. I went for a nice brisk walk with my friend Amber and that felt great. I didn't crash afterwards. I can pop up in the mornings more often now. I can stay up later and I have been sleeping better.
Weight: 134, gained another pound!
Belly: Big and round prego belly as far as I can tell. My young single friends tell me its big, my friends who have been pregnant tell me its small. Ha.
Things I Did: This week we went to Kelly and Alan's and Kelly helped me do some registering at Babies R Us. I got to use the gun and everything! I had such a great time, I didn't really stick to a theme, I just clicked on things I liked. Plus the must-haves, of course. We went to IKEA and picked up a new dining room table and a new dresser/changing table for the nursery. I am nesting like crazy so when we got home I jumped out of the car and immediately unloaded and began tearing into the boxes. Scott was in shock "who are you?" We spent four or five hours putting those together before succumbing to exhaustion. The other dresser and the crib are still out in the garage, sanded and ready to be painted. And we got an adorable rug with roads on it so someday we can get down and play cars. Zach has one just like it and it was a great size for the room. So... very busy week but I love seeing the nursery come together! The only thing is that all the stuff we had hidden in that room is now down in the living room to be sorted. I've already made like three trips to Goodwill, and I can sense another one coming on...
(They were out of chairs, we will have to get those a little later on) The table doesn't look that big but it comes with two leaves and seats 6-10!
Eating: I have been able to eat a lot more normal things. Protein, like eggs and meat, have been the biggest improvement. I'm still craving waffles and avocados, and drinking some caffeine (not regularly).
Morning Sickness: Gone. Sometimes when he is squirming or my hormone levels seem to skyrocket I will feel a little queasy.
Energy: Much better. I went for a nice brisk walk with my friend Amber and that felt great. I didn't crash afterwards. I can pop up in the mornings more often now. I can stay up later and I have been sleeping better.
Weight: 134, gained another pound!
Belly: Big and round prego belly as far as I can tell. My young single friends tell me its big, my friends who have been pregnant tell me its small. Ha.
Things I Did: This week we went to Kelly and Alan's and Kelly helped me do some registering at Babies R Us. I got to use the gun and everything! I had such a great time, I didn't really stick to a theme, I just clicked on things I liked. Plus the must-haves, of course. We went to IKEA and picked up a new dining room table and a new dresser/changing table for the nursery. I am nesting like crazy so when we got home I jumped out of the car and immediately unloaded and began tearing into the boxes. Scott was in shock "who are you?" We spent four or five hours putting those together before succumbing to exhaustion. The other dresser and the crib are still out in the garage, sanded and ready to be painted. And we got an adorable rug with roads on it so someday we can get down and play cars. Zach has one just like it and it was a great size for the room. So... very busy week but I love seeing the nursery come together! The only thing is that all the stuff we had hidden in that room is now down in the living room to be sorted. I've already made like three trips to Goodwill, and I can sense another one coming on...
(They were out of chairs, we will have to get those a little later on) The table doesn't look that big but it comes with two leaves and seats 6-10!
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