Two more weeks until my third trimester!
Eating: I am having trouble gauging how much I can fit into my stomach. I have to stop while I am still hungry, otherwise I get WAY too full. Then I will be hungry again in about thirty minutes. My cravings have subsided, now I just eat whatever is around.
Energy: My energy is great. I am way more motivated than my body is capable. I want to stay out all day, running errand after errand, or standing around talking to friends, and my body gets tired way too fast. I will get sharp pains and cramping, and swelling, and have to be horizontal for a bit. I can only sit for so long at the computer or sewing machine before I can start to feel the pressure. But its hard to rest when you are on a roll or just having a great time!
Weight: 138.4. Phew, that four pounds last week kind of scared me.
Belly: I've been measuring, its still about the same as last week. I carry him pretty low and forward. Lots of room between my chest and the baby, which is great for breathing, not so great for the bladder. No stretch marks, dark lines, vericose veins, or anything like that, which I am trying not to get attached to. Its lovely for now, but you never know when those things might crop up. For now, I am loving my body.
Sleep: Its okay. Some nights I sleep pretty well and others I don't. I have very vivid, emotional dreams, and get up at least 2-3 times to go to the bathroom. Our bed is so wonderful.
Things I Did: Wow, what did I not do! Scott's parents were in town last weekend, and that was a blast. Then I was down for the count for a few days feeling yucky. Thursday night we had a dinner at Upper Crust with the IAB, basically a board of industry reps (Scott was there representing Lockheed) have a biannual meeting to advise the Computer Engineering department at Cal Poly. The next day Scott went to an all day meeting on campus for that, but then was called back home to solve a cat crisis (basically Chubba needed emergency care and I couldn't handle it by myself... it involved feces and cat wrangling...) Then that evening we went to the CE Banquet where Lockheed had sponsored a table. We got to meet some of the professors and kid around with the students, it was fun.
The next day (today) I had a baby brunch for my friend Amber, who is due July 1st, and besides the sudden heat (88 degrees at the beach!) it was so much fun. Amber's friends are all really sweet, there were a bunch of pregnant women there and I got to see most of the Howard family, they are so wonderful. So, I am exhausted, but good times! Steph graduates a week from today, so next on the agenda is preparing for that!
I haven't been on here in a bit. Your tummy is so big and beautiful! You look amazing!=) I look forward to having energy in the future, your words encourage me!!