Sunday, June 27, 2010

29 Weeks

Eating: This week I pretty much sat around eating fruit, fruit, metamucil, another 2 pints of water, an egg, more fruit, etc. Didn't make much of a difference. Then I finally let myself eat good food at the baby shower!
Energy: Getting more tired.
Weight: 143
Belly: This week I am trying to figure out how to get my piercing to be happy again. It was a little pink when I first changed it, but was getting better, then my doctor suggested I make it into a ring because he thought the metal irritated my skin. Well that helped it get caught on my clothing and now its really angry because it got yanked around a bunch. So now its under a bandaid so I can try to keep it out of trouble. Hopefully it will start to get better.
Sleep: Not great.
Things I Did: We had our first shower this weekend! It was a family shower, held up at Charlie and Sherri's. Sherri did an incredible job decorating, I took lots of pictures. We got an amazing amount of gifts, and they are all wonderful. Lots of great board books to read to Ben, blankets, toys, socks, our car seat, outfits. I can't wait to get it all out of the car this morning and set it up. I especially want to try my hand at the car seat. A little intimidated... And we got the family cradle that Charlie built when Katie was born. Its so beauiful and they found custom bedding to fit into it that is so beautiful. That was a very thoughtful gift! I couldn't have asked for more, and we can't wait to see them again for the holidays, this time with Ben in tow!

1 comment:

  1. :) going through all the baby stuff after a shower. it was always a bit scary though to hold up those itty bitty clothes and think, OMG he is going to be THAT small!!! (and if he is anything like the kidos in my fam, he wont even fit in those itty bitty clothes!)

    all the showers and nesting, help the last few months a little more bearable. im not gonna lie, the last month was the hardest, physically and emotionally. i remember being so swollen and so so so so soooooo anxious to just meet the little guy!!!!

    hang in there....about a week after the birth, or less, i was totally missing being pregnant!

    cant wait to see you!

    ps - i gave up on the belly ring
