Phew! Fun week! We had two classes this week, CPR and breastfeeding. Breastfeeding was my favorite, though, the nurse was so great, both Scott and I learned a ton and I just got so excited to hold Ben!! I had a doctor appointment that went quick and easy. Ben is head down, ready to go. All my tests are normal and my weight came in at 150. He is super tight in there, but the doctor says there is plenty of fluid, so thats always good to hear.

On Thursday I started the morning off with Bond and her roommate Arianna at Linnaea's, our favorite coffee shop here in town. They make the best waffles ever and we had some good laid back girl chat. Poor Bond, this was the morning after she was put to work by Scott installing out new entertainment center. There was a lot of feeding wires through the walls and I thought they were both going to lose it but they have way more patience than I do. After that I met up with Sarah and her beautiful daughter Felicia, who is so fun and lets me talk to her in high pitches and kiss her little cheeks while she takes everything in. She throws me the best smiles once in awhile and they can light up the whole room. Then we went over to the other Sara's house and babysat for her son Everett while she got her hair done. Tons of fun and plenty of laughs. Oh and I had a hair appointment in there, too. My hair was getting so long and I will need it out of my way for this whole newborn thing. The good news is I now have the cutest little pony tail you've ever seen with a preggo belly. They just seem to "go".

So after that crazy day, Scott and I had a wonderful Saturday together. We went to High Street Deli and got some great sandwiches, laid around together for a bit, and I got a ton of work done on the curtains for Ben's room. Now that I have all but one installed in his room, I think I probably could have just stopped at valances, but whatever. It was fun, and I completely accomplished my objective. Our future guests (and Steph, who already knows this) will be happy to know that we spent the majority of last night fixing that crazy awful loud fan in the nursery. It is essential to have a fan in there, but that thing is like sleeping next to a construction site. Steph lived with us for a month and never complained, she just dragged our spare in there and plugged it in, never said a word. Well, it does have a hum to it still, but is completely usable. We took it apart piece by piece (I was the holder and hander of small parts) and finally we figured it out. Scott McGyver-ed it a bit and now it is perfectly workable and we can banish the floor fan from the house forever. Fans on ceilings everywhere are a must.

How cute are these frames, just waiting for little pictures of Ben?

I bought these adorable wall decals from Etsy, they totally accomplished the look I wanted. Scott is skeptical about how long they will actually stay on the walls, but they are out of reach of little fingers, so I think they will make it.And don't worry, I'm not done with those curtains yet. They will not remain wrinkly and one-sided. Hopefully they will just peek out from both sides and not bother anybody. They are just for show. I asked Scott what he thought about them, and he paused, and I could see him trying to sneak a peek at his server on the top shelf (which the valance blocks from view). I said "Ahem, decorative opinion, not functional" and he immediately says, "Oh, well then they are great!" Haha, that server is a must-have but its ugly. I'm glad my cute valance hides it and all my not-cute accessories, like breast pumps and such.Although Scott thinks they are a little "girly". If we are still here when his macho-ness begins to be a concern, perhaps I will make new navy ones. Somehow I don't think its something I will have to worry too much about. For now, the adorable-ness of a little boy nursery has been achieved, in my opinion.
Cute! Love the nursery decor and the entertainment center. So much room by the TV now!