Happy Weekend! Just checking in with some photos that I love from this week. Ben has been up and down lately, mood swings all over the place. Sometimes he will sleep easily, wake happily and learn in leaps and bounds. Then there are days like today, where he wakes up crying and his patience is short for the rest of the day. He wants to walk and crawl now. A toy being just out of reach is enough to make him start crying. Poor kid.

One more beauty from swim class on Friday. Happy guys.

We went out to dinner for our fifth wedding anniversary last night. It was a beautiful dinner, at a restaurant posed right on a cliff in Shell Beach. We waited on the balcony, watching the waves crash into the rocks, talking about parenthood and whatever came to mind. Our table was in the middle of a wall of windows, where we could watch the sunset while we ate. It was sublime.

Geez I love this kid. Even when he is acting bipolar. Check it out- cheerful...

Pouty. Two seconds flat.

These are some shots of last week's Super Baby Squad play date, at Colleen's cute house. It is so great meeting up with them every week, I think I would go crazy without Ben and I spending some time with our friends. Especially a nice big group. Amazing food doesn't hurt, either!

Niccole and Landon

Elena and Julie... and a gaggle of babies.
Scott and I are in bed, watching X-Men 2. Can you believe I can blog at the same time? Probably because it is scaring the heck out of me. In a good way, though. My sister is on her way to visit right now, I'm so excited to see her! Scott is taking care of the boy tomorrow (he golfed all day today)- what do you think we should do?
Love the photos....precious boy!!! Happy Anniversary!!! Maybe you and sis can go get foot massages, then lunch, a bit of shopping, walk on the pier in Avila....hmmmm....stop for a drink @ custom house, soak in the spa @ the Hot Springs, walk the Bob Jones trail. Either way...have tons of FUN with your sis :)