Possibilities For The Next Thing Ben Masters:
1. Crawling
He is doing that rocking thing, and is flailing around on his tummy and kicking his feet.
2. Pulling Up
He just needs me for balance now, he really almost has it.
3. Flying
If he would just flap his arms a little faster, or maybe he just needs to lift his head a bit more.
Signs That Scott is Still Pretty OCD:
1. There are rules for loading the dishwasher.
He should probably make a laminated layout so that we can attach it to the front for guests.
It would look something like this:
2. Even hobbies should be quanitifiable. What makes a hobby even more fun? Oh, ya. Spreadsheets and graphs. Don't you think? His latest is BrewPal, the app for my iTouch:
Looks fun, right? Well, maybe to some of you it does. Looks more like a buzzkill than a hobby to the wife.
3. Once something belongs somewhere, it needs to stay there.
Gargantuan clock |
He has decided it is illegal to re-arrange. Specifically, the two things I have ever moved are: the paper towel roll and one of the three clocks we have in the living room. Three, people. Three. One of them is gargantuan and hangs over the fireplace. You can figure out the time from
anywhere in here. But, still, both of us check the new picture frame for the time before we leave.
Frustrating Baby Things:
1. Baby wipes
They don't wipe anything, more often it just looks like I'm trying to paper mache Ben's little baby butt.
2. Formula
DIS. GUSS. TANG. Lumpy, sticks to everything from the microwave to the floor but avoids water or the inside of the bottle. Smells horrid. On the up side, Ben seems to like it.
3. Bottles.
Making them, and cleaning them, specifically. I have nothing more witty to say on the subject other than this is CONSTANT and BOOBS ARE WAY EASIER!
Random Bonus Funniness:
Scott wrote me a program to title my pictures with the time and date. He named it Autosave. Recently I found a bug that prevents it from working with more than 100 items at a time. Worse, it will randomly choose those items, which makes the result confusing. To make a living, he works on a huge launch program for the Air Force. Thats a simplified way to explain what he does. So, when I came to him with my fix-it needs, he told me I should fill out a bug report. This is how it looked when I was through with it:
what happened: it gave me crap.
what should have happened: it shouldn't have given me crap.
what computer were you using: your mom.
steps to reproduce the problem: try to use it.
recommended severity: threat to national security. code purple.
impact: I got really pissed off.
in short- it will only autosave a limit of 100 items. so I have to split up the photos/videos into two folders and do it twice. I didn't really get pissed off. that part was a lie. And also, the computer I was using had nothing to do with your mom. That was also a lie.
-------I'm nothing if not honest.
Scott is obsessed with Tiger Woods Golf lately and he says the game cheats. I don't understand why that comes as a surprise to him. It is Tiger's game, after all.
We either have mice, or I need to stop handing things to Ben at the grocery store.