Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Baptism Day!

It was a beautiful day, and went by like a blur. So many wonderful friends and family came out and showed their support, I wish I had an hour to talk to each of them. We got to catch up with a few that we hadn't seen in awhile, like Mike and Renee, so that was special, and we even ran into Deauna at church before the service! {all photos by Kerry Ko}

Ben loved it, no problems with the water, he seemed relaxed. Immediately afterward he took a nap. He loved seeing everyone smiling back at him from the pews behind ours.

A big thank you to everyone, there are a couple straggling thank you notes (address issues) but they are coming!

All our love.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to see you guys and be there for such a special event :) Can't wait to see you guys next week!
